Demande pour les architectes du Canada et des États-Unis
English version follows
Demande pour les architectes du Canada
Un architecte inscrit auprès d’un autre ordre canadien des architectes, qui compte travailler sur plusieurs projets au Québec ou y ouvrir un bureau, doit demander un permis d’exercice de l’OAQ. À cette fin, l’architecte doit :
- Remplir le formulaire de demande de permis d’exercice pour les architectes du Canada;
- Démontrer qu’il possède une connaissance appropriée du français, conformément à l’article 35 de la Charte de la langue française.
Le délai de traitement de la demande est d’environ deux semaines.
À partir du moment où il obtient son permis, l’architecte qui exerce au sein d’une incorporation ou d’une société en nom collectif à responsabilité limitée devra s’assurer de respecter le Règlement sur l’exercice de la profession d’architecte en société.
Si l’architecte canadien souhaite travailler au Québec sur un seul projet, il peut simplement faire une demande d’autorisation spéciale à l’OAQ.
Application for Canadian architects
An architect who is a member of another Canadian professional corporation for architects and who intends to work on several projects in the province of Québec or open a practice there must apply to the OAQ for a professional licence. To this end, the architect must:
- Fill out the application form for a professional licence for Canadian architects;
- Demonstrate that he or she has an appropriate knowledge of French, in compliance with section 35 of the Charter of the French language.
The application will take about two weeks to process.
Once he or she receives the licence, the architect who carries on his or her professional activities within a corporation or a limited liability partnership must comply with the Regulation respecting the practice of the profession of architect within a partnership or a joint-stock company.
If a Canadian architect wishes to practice in the province of Québec for the purpose of carrying out one specific project, he or she may simply file an application for a special authorization with the OAQ.
Application for American architects
The applicant must complete an application for a professional licence and pay the membership dues for the current fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
The applicant must also demonstrate that he or she has an appropriate knowledge of French, in compliance with section 35 of the Charter of the French language.
The application will take about two weeks to process.
Once he or she receives the licence, the architect who carries on his or her professional activities within a corporation or a limited liability partnership must comply with the Regulation respecting the practice of the profession of architect within a partnership or a joint-stock company.
If an American architect wishes to practice in the province of Québec for the purpose of carrying out one specific project, he or she may simply file an application for a special authorization with the OAQ.